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发布时间:2022-12-01 18:41 字数:1530字 阅读:119


________ is located in ________, and it's not far from ________.It only takes me ________ to get there, so it's really convenient.


e. g.People's park is located in the city center, and it's not far from where I live. It only takes me a 10-minute walk to get there, so it's really convenient.

England is located in Western Europe, and it's pretty far away from my hometown Shanghai.

It takes me about a 12-hour flight to get there.


1) Interesting

我们在描述任何一个地方的时候,都可以说这个地方很有趣,事实上,你也不会愿意去描述一个无聊的地方。那我们来看看以interesting 为核心,可以拓展出多少好的表达。

如果一个地方很有趣,你可以说它很吸引人(attracting)、很迷人(fascinating)、生机勃勃(vibrant, lively)、独一无二(unique);

它可能是个很有名的地方(renowned),比如广州以美食闻名(Guangzhou is renowned for delicious food);

或者这个地方气氛特别好(has a special atmosphere);

是一次难以忘记的经历(an unforgettable experience);

每次去都特别开心(enjoy every minute),觉得时间过得特别快(time flew by);

有很多事可以做(there are endless things to do),比如看旅游景点(scenic spots)、品尝美食(eat delicious food)、游览文化和历史名胜(cultural and historical attraction);

有时候玩得太开心了,还会忘记时间(lost track of time)。

2) Historic

讲完interesting,我们还可以说一个地方是很有历史意义的(it's a historic place)。

一个有历史意义的地方一定有很多的老建筑(old buildings)、老的宫殿(palaces)、雕塑(statues)、纪念碑(monuments);这些建筑往往是一个城市的地标(landmarks),充满历史气息(full of history),有丰富的文化遗产(have a rich h cultural heritage),提醒我们回忆过去(the reminders of the past)。

3) Friendly

描述完historic,我们还可以描述一个地方的人:友好(friendly)、热情(welcoming)、温暖(warm)、平易近人(approachable)、考虑周到(thoughtful)、彬彬有礼(well-mannered),让你有回家的感觉(make you feel at home)。
